
作为一名大学生可能是一个艰难的过渡. We are here for your child and can offer different options if they need support.

1. 我们的办公时间是星期一至星期五上午8点到下午4点半. 可以通过563-333-6423或counselingcenter@sau与我们联系.edu
2. 下班后,学生可以拨打校园保安电话563-333-6104
3. Student can reach out to their RA or the Area Coordinator (AC) on call through 居住生活
4. 学生们可以拨打当地的危机热线. 电话号码是1-844-430-0375
5. 学生可以拨打全国自杀热线1-800-273-8255
6. 他们可以访问 询问、倾听、参考, an online program to help them better deal with someone else in distress.
7. 作为家长,你也可以使用 询问、倾听、参考 to take the training yourself as a way to learn signs of suicide and how to help your child.
8. 学生可以进入 咨询中心的页面. 我们在这里发布文章, 事件, 应对技能, 我们的办公室是如何运作的, 在咨询中可以期待什么, 常见问题解答, and our Virtual Calming Hive where there are links to coping skill activities.

招生和资助 加入SAU家长脸谱网页面



A residence hall is more than a place to live; it's a place to live with purpose and compassion. 全天候安全, 每周的管家, 以及每层楼的住户助理, students living on-campus are surrounded by people who care and want them to succeed.




发现圣. 参观竞技宝app下载安装校园. 探索校园,与教授交谈,了解专业,等等. 我们有各种各样的参观选择,以满足您的兴趣和时间表!




圣. 竞技宝app下载安装教育

无论是在教室还是在更远的地方, 我们要求学生探索未知, 挑战自己的极限, 带着同情心行动.

正是在这段旅程中,圣. 竞技宝app下载安装的学生发现他们的激情和毕业后, 找一份工作来满足你的激情.

2019年春季刊 现场杂志, graduates shared the many ways in which an SAU education led to their success today.




St. 竞技宝app下载安装提供60多个本科专业和课程. 当你申请大学录取时,尽早个性化你的学习.




St. 竞技宝app下载安装是由高等教育委员会认可的

除了高等教育委员会的认证外, 我们还保留了几个专业认证.



SAU appreciates the strength, persistence, and grit of first-generation students. We celebrate National First-Generation Day to celebrate those who will 'Bee First!来获得学位.



圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 居住生活 Office works with selected external vendors in providing additional amenities to our residents. You can read about 床单 and 阁楼, 护理包, and MicroFridges below.

Moving to a residence hall will be a new experience for you and your child, 所以我们也提供了一份有用的装箱单.

  • 壁挂钟或座钟
  • 床上用品
  • 衣架
  • 洗衣用品(在学校洗衣服是免费的)!)
  • 淋浴童(手持式)
  • 台灯
  • 学习需要(参考书、订书机、回形针等.)
  • 毛巾


  • 日历
  • microwave (<700 watts)
  • 球迷(戴维斯球迷)
  • 熨斗/桌面熨衣板
  • 房间门上的白板
  • TV
  • 电脑
  • 地毯或小地毯
  • 植物、海报和装饰品
  • 室内烧烤
  • 迷你冰箱(4立方英尺或小于650瓦)
  • 火锅
  • 剪刀
  • 小针线包
  • 演讲者
  • 阁楼(见下面的亚麻和阁楼)


  • 卤素灯
  • 烤面包机
  • 宠物(鱼除外) 
  • 蜡烛和香
  • 披萨锅(和其他开放式燃烧器)
  • 自制的阁楼
  • 淋浴帽(挂在淋浴头上的那些)




Residence hall rooms contain extra-long beds (36" x 80") which require extra long linens to comfortably fit the mattresses. Student Services has an agreement with an outside vendor to provide these linens through 宿舍床单和床上用品. Students will receive a letter and order form in the mail 在夏天 that describes the products and special packages available. Make sure to order by the deadline to ensure linens arrive at home before departing for campus.


If your student would like extra space in their residence hall room, consider renting a loft. 阁楼 are a great way to maximize space and they are delivered to your room so they're waiting for you when you arrive on move-in day.

在戴维斯,学生们想要把他们的床放在单人房间里, 黑根和北霍尔必须使用他们房间里提供的材料. Students living in all other University housing must use lofting materials rented from College Products at www.collegeproducts.com/bees. College Products also sells durable futons and safes with delivery for all residence life buildings on campus.


如果你的学生既要微波炉又要冰箱, 但不需要把它们搬进去,或者失去两个插座, 可以考虑租一台迷你冰箱 www.mymicrofridge.com. Campus Fridges provide a combination microwave and refrigerator/freezer that runs on one cord (meaning one plug) and has an outlet and USB ports on the microwave face! They will install it in your room for you meaning more room in the moving vehicle and no lugging it up stairs or waiting for an elevator on move in day!




  • Send final high school transcripts using your high school's encrypted transcript service.
  • Send transcripts from any colleges or universities attended for transfer credits using your school's encrypted transcript service.
  • 完整的 FAFSA 文书工作
  • 注册您的设备(5) -手提电脑、iPad等. (必须在校园内完成).
  • 确保你有你的 学生证/ BeeCard. 获得名片的最佳方式是将自己的清晰照片发邮件至 hintzebahnstracy@keo3s.net 在夏天, and you can pick up your ID in the Security Office when you arrive on campus or when checking-in to your residence hall (if living on campus).
  • 整理你的 停车券
  • 带上你的健康保险卡
  • 如果医生给你开了药, ensure you have refills and a plan to get your medication during the school year.
  • 如果你是健康科学专业的学生, turn in your physical examination form – completed and signed by your healthcare provider – to SAU Health Services, Rogalski中心, 2号楼.
  • 完成你的 健康的形式 送到SAU健康服务中心.
  • Students who need academic or non-academic accommodations can contact the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) by emailing arc@sau.开始吧. 所有住宿信息都是保密的, 并且可以为一些残疾条件提供住宿, 包括精神疾病, 系统性的条件, 医疗条件, 学习障碍, 和多动症
  • 握手时注册 适用于兼职、全职和勤工俭学的职位
    • 如果你接受了勤工俭学的工作, 将你的I-9表格提交给学术和职业规划办公室, Rogalski中心, 2号楼.
  • 审查 黑板上 信息
  • For students with therapists or psychiatrists: we recommend scheduling follow-up appointments during breaks. 的分 咨询中心 如果需要,可以帮助你找到当地的支持吗. 访问咨询中心门户页面 查看心理健康支持服务的列表.
  • Watch for your first billing statement in the first few weeks of July/December and review your payment options.
  • Develop a habit of checking your SAU email for important 信息 and/or messages from faculty about upcoming classes. 如果您在登录您的SAU电子邮件时遇到问题, 拨打SAU服务台563-333-6368,并写上你的全名. 您将被要求提供一个备用电子邮件来发送新密码.
  • 下载 St. 竞技宝app下载安装LiveSafe应用程序,我们的紧急通知和校园安全系统.
  • 完成GetInclusive模块(链接发送到您的SAU电子邮件):
    • 欢迎和公正的竞技宝app下载
    • 预防性暴力(第九章)
    • 酒精和其他药物


The 所有的学生 Checklist above should be completed before arriving on campus, 除下列清单外:

  • Submit your housing contract and (if desired) request roommates or suitemates! Housing contracts open May 15, and we'd like roommate/suitemate requests to be submitted by June 5. 你会在七月收到正式的作业邮件! 参观 居住生活门户页面了解更多信息
  • 如果你打算租一间阁楼作为你的房间,那就去看看 collegeproducts.com/bees. We suggest taking advantage of their early bird discount and ordering by August 1!
  • In the summer, you'll get more 信息 about your room assignment, move-in day and Welcome Week.
  • 查看打包技巧(列在上面的“打包什么”一栏)
  • 考虑带上以下物品:急救箱, 增湿器, air conditioner (for persons with allergies or other health conditions who are assigned housing without air conditioning. A note from your healthcare provider is required for air conditioning in these limited circumstances).

Student athletes should complete the two lists above in addition to these items:

1. 完整的 NAIA documentation (PlayNAIA) for SAU athletes playing a fall sport:

步骤1: 在PlayNAIA上创建一个帐户 (NAIA资格中心)
Step 3: Log in to your SAT or ACT account and send your test scores to the NAIA Eligibility Center (optional)
Step 4: Your HS guidance counselor should get an email requesting transcripts.

2. Turn in your physical examination – completed and signed by your healthcare provider – to SAU Health Services, Rogalski中心, 2号楼.



作为一名大学生可能是一个艰难的过渡. We are here for your child and can offer different options if they need support.

1. 我们的办公时间是星期一至星期五上午8点到下午4点半. 可以通过563-333-6423或counselingcenter@sau与我们联系.edu
2. 下班后,学生可以拨打校园保安电话563-333-6104
3. Student can reach out to their RA or the Area Coordinator (AC) on call through 居住生活
4. 学生们可以拨打当地的危机热线. 电话号码是1-844-430-0375
5. 学生可以拨打全国自杀热线1-800-273-8255
6. 他们可以访问 TAO(在线治疗师辅助) or 询问、倾听、参考,我们的在线课程.Edu邮箱地址.
7. 作为家长,你也可以使用 询问、倾听、参考 to take the training yourself as a way to learn signs of suicide and how to help your child.
8. 学生可以进入 咨询中心的门户页面. 我们在这里发布文章, 事件, 应对技能, 我们的办公室是如何运作的, 在咨询中可以期待什么, 常见问题解答, and our Virtual Calming Hive where there are links to coping skill activities.


你准备好下一步了吗? Click on the visit button below to learn more about our virtual and in-person visit options.